International Animation Day
Today is International Animation Day! If you've gotten to know any animators, you may have noticed they are quirky and multi-talented masters of art and design, acting, anatomy, movement, physics, materials, pop culture, history, emotion... Basically all the important stuff. 🙌 So let's share the love! ❤ #InternationalAnimationDay #worldanimationday #world_animation_day #animationday #handsdownstudios #humor #burp #fridayfun #weirdpets
Victory parades
Victory parades, hmm... Let's make one to celebrate the triumph of Peace! #peace #peacedoves #peaceinUkraine #peacebomb #2danimation #HandsDownStudios
The Soloist VR
It's officially out! Our first project animating for a VR documentary film -- and it's a GOOD one! Grab your #oculusquest2 goggles and your climbing shoes, because "Alex Honnold: The Soloist" will take you where you've never gone. Believe it.
#virtualreality #vr #oculus #thrillseeker #mountainclimbing #alps #animation #HDSAnimation